About messages
The office can send text messages to you. They are stored on your Driver Terminal. You can read
them at any time by tapping the Messages button in the WEBFLEET panel in the map or guidance
The Messages button in the WEBFLEET panel shows the number of unread messages. Unread
messages are shown in the list with a downward-pointing arrow.
Dealing with messages
To show the list of your messages, do the following:
Tap the Messages button in the WEBFLEET panel in the map or guidance view.
Alternatively, tap the Main Menu button in the map or guidance view, then tap Messages.
Tap a message in the list.
To let the message be read out loud tap Read out loud.
To reply to this message, tap Reply.
To delete this message, tap Delete.
Sending messages
You can send text messages and predefined messages to the office. Predefined messages must
be defined by the office. You can also add information to a predefined message.
Tap the Messages button in the WEBFLEET panel in the map or guidance view to bring up the
list of messages.
Alternatively, tap the Main Menu button in the map or guidance view, then tap Messages.
Tap New Message.
Tap the Keyboard button to bring up the keyboard and type a new message.
If you want to send a predefined message and possibly add individual text, tap Templates.
Select a template from the list. To add text to the template, tap the Keyboard button and type
the additional message.
Tap Send to send the message to the office.