After pick up, immediately bring the
outboard to your dealer.
F o l l o w i n g a r e t h e e m e r g e n c y
m e a s u r e s t o b e t a k e n o n t h e
submerged outboard.
Take it out of water immediately
and wash it with fresh water to
remove all traces of salt and dirt.
After picking up the engine,
ask the dealer to perform the
necessary actions to make sure
the engine is brought back to safe
operating condition.
When morning in cold weather at sub-
zero temperatures the water in the
cooling water pump may freeze and
severely damage the pump, impeller,
and associated parts. To avoid this,
submerge the lower half of the engine
into the water, or tilt the engine and
operate the electric starter motor for
5 seconds with the stop switch lock
plate taken away to allow the water to
drain completely.
Striking sea bottom or underwater
object may severely damage the
outboard motor.
Immediately bring the outboard
motor to your dealer and ask for the
following checks.
Looseness or damage of power
u n i t i n s t a l l a t i o n b o l t s , g e a r
case and extension case bolts,
propeller or propeller shaft, upper
and lower mount rubber bolts and
nuts, power trim and tilt bolts, and
mount rubber cap bolts.
Ask to tighten loose bolts and nuts,
and to replace damaged parts.
Deformation and damage of mount
rubber, tilt stopper, thrust rod,
gears and clutch, and propeller.
Ask to replace damaged or deformed
5. Checking after striking underwater object
6. If the engine becomes submerged in water
7. Precautions in cold weather
Do not attempt to start submerged
outboard motor immediately after it is
recovered, or engine could be severely
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