Digital mixer D-901
D-901 Digital Mixer
RS-232C Protocol
The RS-232C protocol described in this document is designed for use of controlling the D-901 Mixer from a
personal computer or remote controller.
This spec sheet applies to the D-901 firmware of version 2.00 or later.
Settings that can be controlled are as follows:
Channel fader gain
Channel ON/OFF
Line(Stereo) Select
Bus assignment
Crosspoint Gain
Preset memory recall
If necessary, the D-901’s activation can be checked or setting values read by using the following commands:
D-901 activation status (output from the D-901 at the time of activation)
Gate status (transmitted from the D-901 when the gate status changes)
Status request (reading of the D-901’s setting value)
When connecting the remote controller to the D-901 Mixer by way of this protocol, set the D-901’s RS-232C
port as follows:
Bit rate:
9,600/19,200/38,400/115,200 (Select according to the remote controller to
be connected.)
(Refer; RS-232C Port Settings of the D-901 instruction manual.)
Serial Port Settings
9,600/19,200/38,400/115,200 bps, 8 bits, non-parity, stop bit: 1, no flow control
Connector: D-sub 9 pins, straight cable
Signal line: No. 2=TX; No. 3=RX; No. 5=Ground
Command Construction
Command Data length (N) Data 1 Data 2 ……… Data N
Where Command is in the range 80H to FFH. And where Data length and Data are in the range 00H
to 7FH.
The second byte data indicates the number of byte data that follow the second byte data.
TOA Corporation