EXES 6000 Central Processing Unit
• Adds new power to TOA’s EXES 6000 intercom system.
• Specially designed for multiple exchange intercom systems.
• Provides station numbering that is independent of the exchange, eliminating the
need for special access codes.
• Ideal for airports, hospitals and correctional facilities.
• Three exchanges can be programmed from a single PC, on site or remotely.
• Equipped with proprietary programming software designed for Windows.
• CP-68/EXES 6000 intercom system in operation in the United Airlines terminal at the
new Denver International Airport.
• $7,000 suggested dealer net.
TOA’s new CP-68 central processing unit is
specially designed for demanding
applications requiring multiple exchange
intercom systems. Ideally suited for
airports, hospitals and correctional
facilities, the computer-controlled CP-68
consists of an external processor and an
interface card, which slides into the EXES
6000’s card cage. The four-rack space
external processor is equipped with an
RS-232 port on its front panel.
TOA’s CP-68/EXES 6000 is the only
intercom system that offers station
numbers which are independent of the
exchange to which they are connected.
Any station can be assigned any number,
eliminating the need for special access
codes or dialing procedures.
Adding to the CP-68’s versatility is its
ability to utilize a single PC for
programming all three exchanges.
Programming can be done on-site or
from a remote location using an auto-
answer modem.
The CP-68 uses one dedicated tie line
interface channel in each exchange to
transmit all data over standard twisted-
pair wiring. Because signaling between
exchanges takes place within normal
bandwidths used for telephone
operation, transmitting via off-the-shelf
fiber optic interface equipment is fast
and easy. Windows-based proprietary
programming software is included with
the new central processing unit.
An EXES 6000 system employing the CP-68
is installed and operating at the new
Denver International Airport in the United
Airlines Concourse B.
TOA Electronics, Inc.
601 Gateway Blvd., Suite 300, So. San Francisco, CA