TK Elevator
BA, TW45C | 6231003860 | 06/2022
Max. altitude 1000 m amsl
Max. tempe 40°C at max. 50% air humidity
Max. relative air humidity 70% at 20°C
If the conditions stated above are exceeded, the deratings in accordance with
VDE0530 apply.
The standard version of the encoders (for description and technical data, see
product catalogue for elevator motors) include a 10-metre long connection
cable, including connectors (types 1024/4096 TTL) for connection to TK El-
evator frequency inverters and/or free cable ends with wire end ferrules (type
1024 HTL and type 1024 sine/cosine). An encoder with 2048 TTL and 3 m
connection line is used for the ISIS1 (MRL).
Gear unit
Single-stage worm gear with:
Housing in monoblock design (EN-GJL 250) with separate AS and BS
bearing brackets.
Three housing variants in the respective version adapted for the mounting
surface to machine base frame and motor position:
- Vertical motor position / foot mounting surface (emergency brake NBS
- Horizontal motor position / foot mounting surface (emergency brake
NBS possible)
- Horizontal motor position / flange mounting surface (emergency brake
NBS not possible)
For deployment of the machine with the shaft pit location, the housing
with foot mounting surface (e.g. Ecolift) or flange (e.g. Simpakt) is used
depending on the installation situation.
Motor flange (construction size A250) integrated on housing.
Worm shaft made of case-hardened steel (16MnCrS5); optimised anti-
friction bearings via stroke unit with life-time grease lubrication and op-
timised seal system.
Worm wheel made of centrifugally cast bronze (CuSn12Ni-C-GZ) with
screw-connected hub.
Traction sheave shaft made of tempering steel (C60R+N and/or.
QT), anti-friction bearings with oil-bath lubrication.
Contact pattern position of gear teeth adjustable; backlash not adjustable.
With vertical motor position, gear teeth run under oil; with horizontal mo-
tor position, with transport oil from oil sump via worm wheel gear teeth.
Oil level monitoring via gauge glass; oil drain (R3/4"); housing ventilation.
Components for the rope guard suitable for traction sheaves of diameter
320 / 360 / 440 / 520 and 590 in accordance with EN81-1:1998 and/or
EN81-20/5.5.7 (not generally with machine location in shaft headroom or
shaft pit).
Machine type plate.