Titan Enterprises Ltd ©2021
1. General
The Atrato range represents a new generation of through bore
time of flight ultrasonic
flowmeters that uses breakthrough technology to offer a wide ranging yet accurate meter. It is
ideal for many process control, instrumentation and laboratory applications. The user must
make sure that the flowmeter selected is suitable for the application and that the chemical
compatibility, temperature and pressure requirements are within the Atrato’s operating range.
Please check the model number before proceeding.
All meters can be programmed and monitored via the USB connection.
First Three Digits = Flow Range
710 - = 2-500 ml/min
720 - = 0.01-1.7 l/min
740 - = 0.02-5 l/min
760 - = 0.1-20 l/min
Fourth Digit = Seal Material
V = Viton®
N = Nitrile
S = Silicone
K = Kalrez®
Fifth Digit = End Fittings
= 3/8” John Guest (10bar)
1 = 1/2" BSP PEEK (10bar)
2 = 1/2" NPT 316 Stainless Steel (30bar)
3 = 1/2" BSP 316 Stainless Steel (30bar)
Sixth Digit = Wetted Material
0 = PEEK / 316 Stainless Steel
1 = PEEK / Borosilicate Glass
Seventh/Eight Digit = Electronic Package
A = Analog Output
D = Display and Analog Output
RA = 110
C Sensor Remote Electronics Analog Output
RD = 110
C Sensor Remote Electronics Display and Analog Output