Sensor Installation Manual
Michelin MiniSRT
For installation of Michelin Mini SRT patch please refer to the latest installation manual provided by
Michelin. The following instructions concern the mounting of sensors into a glued patch.
The following parts are required (except the sensor itself):
Michelin Mini SRT Patch
(already glued onto tire bead toe)
Sensor Clip
Velcro 25 x 120 mm
Installation of the sensor into a patch
Before installing the sensor into the patch check the following details:
Ensure the sensor clip & Velcro are not damaged or broken
Ensure the Velcro is of size 25 x 120 mm with cut angles 3 x 3 mm
Ensure the Mini SRT Michelin patch is glued close to the bead toe on the bead protecting
rubber (PT for Protector), not on the butyl inner liner
Ensure the inside of the tire is clean and dry
Slide sensor into the adapter clip (Photo K & L).