Time Electronics
User Manual
7191 Pneumatic Pressure Pump
7191 Pneumatic Pressure Pump
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The 7191 is a hand operated pressure pump designed to generate either vacuum to -0.95 bar
(-14 psi) or pressures to 4 bar (60 psi). A high-quality screw press is designed for fine pressure
adjustment, with adjusting resolution up to 0.0001 mbar (0.01 Pa). To reach the pressure
stability as high as possible during the pressure calibration, an isothermal bellows chamber is
designed for reducing the possible heat effects such as environmental temperature change.
The 7191 is designed without a non-returning valve meaning minimal maintenance is required.
Two finger-tight connectors installed on the pump allow the user using fingers to connect and
disconnect the reference gauge and devices under test quickly and easily without the need for
PTFE tape or wrenches.
The 7191 is ideal for applications requiring accurate low pressure testing and calibration. It can
be used in calibrating low pressure gauges, transmitters, or other pressure measuring
instruments. To accompany the pump a wide range of digital pressure gauges are available.
The TEG-CV4b covers the full range of the pump (-1 to 4 bar) with accuracies of either 0.2 %,
0.1 %, 0.05 %, or 0.02 % of full scale.