Tiger Electronics T-Rex Jaw Chomping Instruction Manual Download Page 1

1.  Welcome to Jurassic Park lll!

You are on the island and it is the calm before the storm.  But it will not be a storm of
thunder and lightning.  Instead it will be the thunderous approach of T-REX moving at
lightning speed!  T-Rex is running wild and wants to eat the baby dinos!

2.  Object of the game - Don’t get chomped!

Your mission in each stage is to find the baby dinos and herd them back into their cages
before the T-Rex can attack them!  There is an overhead map that shows you all the
different areas of the island where you can go to find and rescue the baby dinos.  Each
time you highlight a different area of the map, you will see the name of the kind of dino
that lives there!

Your are on a time limit in each stage.  If you're not fast enough, you'll get chomped by
the T-Rex and lose the game.  You are only given this one "life" per game, so move
quickly to save the babies and score as many points as you can!

The T-Rex also roars and makes noise during the stage!   The closer you get to time
running out,  the more the T-Rex will roar!  When the T-Rex is roaring a lot, you're in big
trouble, because it means you only have a precious few seconds left before the end of
the stage!

When time expires, if you can be in the "safety zone" of the

pen with at least one baby dino rescued, the T-Rex can't

chomp you! It will simply move away still hungry and the

stage ends successfully and you can begin a new stage!

So try not to be outside of the safe zone of the pen when

you think the stage is about to end (and the T-Rex is about

to chomp)!

3.  The baby dinos

There are five different kinds of baby dinos for you to save:



Action Game

5.  How to play

 Begin by opening the T-Rex mouth!

The mouth "knows" when it is open and when
it is closed!

Press the ON button to turn on the game.  Welcome to the mysterious and exciting world
of Jurassic Park lll!

SELECT STAGE will appear on screen.

Press the UP or DOWN buttons  to
change the island map and see different
areas where the different dinos are
located.  You can play any level in any
order you want - but you have to finish
all the levels to beat the game.

Press the ON/START button to begin playing the level you selected.

The baby dinos will begin crying and the arrow will show
you the direction of their cries.

You must press the D-pad REPEATEDLY to run faster in
the direction of the noise and find the baby dino!

Watch out for rocks and bushes.  You can move around
them or press the JUMP button to jump over them!

Once the baby dino is on screen, it will run away 
from you.

The arrows on screen will now show you the direction to

the SAFE ZONE.  Herd  the baby dino in the direction of

the safe zone.  Since the baby dino is running away from

you, you have to try to move so that when you chase

the dino, it runs towards the safe zone.

Sometimes the baby dino will get scared, sit down, and stop moving.  Press the ACTION
button to make a noise to get the baby dino running again!

There's no way to know which direction the baby dino will run.  It'll do a lot of zig-
zagging!  Work hard to stay close behind it and keep it moving in the right direction.

Once you get a baby dino into the pen, it is safe and it 
will stop crying.  But you will be able to hear OTHER baby
dinos out there crying, so you have to run out and find
them also, and get them back to the safe zone!



two legged with a thick
head plate.



four legged with a
spiked tail.



four legged with horns.



four legged with an "armor" body.



a four legged plant eater
with a long neck and tail.

4.  Control your destiny

Use the control panel to save the dinos!







ON/START - to turn on the game.

- to start each new stage.


- to turn  off the game.


- to toggle sound on/off.


- to move yourself up on screen.
- to select which stage to play.


- to move yourself down on screen.
- to select which stage to play.


- to move yourself left on screen.


- to move yourself right on screen.


- to jump over rocks.


- to "herd" the baby dinos in the right direction.


- to reset the game if the game malfunctions.





