Genie Distribution WNET Manual v3
© Tieline Research Pty. Ltd. 2020
About ISDN Modules
ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. The Basic Rate Interface (BRI) of ISDN
consists of 2 bearer (B) channels at 64 kbps each and 1 data (D) channel at 16 kbps, i.e. (2B +D).
This can be provided over a 2 wire facility and the two B channels can be bonded together to form a
single 128kbps channel. The B channel can carry user information such as voice, video or data. The
D channel carries signaling information between a user and the network.
Tieline codecs fitted with an ISDN G5 module can provide high
quality mono or stereo audio over a single B channel using the
Tieline Music algorithm. If you have 2 B channels you can use one
as a standby, or configure higher bandwidth mono or stereo
connections using algorithms such as MusicPLUS and MPEG. The
codec has two module slots available. Each module supports 2 B
channels and it is possible to insert two ISDN modules and bond 4
B channels together. This will increase connection bandwidth to 256
kbps for connections using high quality algorithms like aptX Enhanced.
Important Considerations
There are several considerations when using your codec in ISDN mode, including:
Will you operate within North America or other countries?
Will you use a single B channel, 2 B channels, or 4 B channels?
Which network are you using?
Is your ISDN line Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint?
What are your directory numbers (DN)?
If you are in the US, what are your Service Profile ID (SPID) numbers?
What is your Multiple Subscriber Number (MSN) if you need to enter this outside North
ISDN configuration is influenced by the country in which you operate. For example, a SPID does not
need to be entered into a Tieline codec for operation within Europe, but it does in North America.
U and S/T ISDN Interfaces
In North America the telephone company provides its BRI customers with a U interface. The U
interface is a two-wire (single pair) interface from the phone switch. It supports full-duplex data
transfer over a single pair of wires, therefore only a single device can be connected to a U interface.
The situation is different in Europe, the UK, most of Asia, Australia, Africa and parts of the Middle
East, where the phone company is allowed to supply the NT-1 and the customer is given an S/T
interface. The NT-1 is a relatively simple device that converts a 2-wire U interface into the 4-wire S/T
If you have an NT-1 device connected to the U interface line then you will require a Tieline Euro ISDN
G5 module (S/T interface - model: TLISDNEUROG5). If you don’t have an NT-1 device installed then
the Tieline US ISDN G5 module (U interface - model: TLISDNUSG5) will be required. You can ring
your telecommunications provider to ask if you’re not sure. Note: In Japan use the Tieline Euro ISDN
Important Note:
Tieline S/T Euro ISDN G5 modules do not have internal terminating
resistors. When you connect terminating equipment such as a Tieline codec to an NT-1,
100 ohm termination resistors must be connected between pins 3 and 6 and between
pins 4 and 5 at the last socket on the ISDN line. Check your NT-1 device user manual as
this may be supported. Suppliers of electronic components sell suitable plugs with