Development Systems
© Tibbo Technology Inc.
The EM1000-TEV development system has been designed to aid you in developing
data terminals, data collection devices, and control equipment based on the
embedded module. Hence, the abbreviation: "TEV" stands for "terminal evaluation".
The EM1000-TEV includes the following boards:
motherboard with EM1000-512K-ST module. The EM1000 can optionally
have a
Wi-Fi slave module installed on top of it.
keypad board with 16 keys and 4 LEDs.
display board. Three different display boards are currently supplied:
(shown): carries 128x64, black/white WINSTAR WG12864A LCD panel
(SAMSUNG S6B0108 controller);
: carries 128x96, 4-bit RITDISPLAY RGS13128096 OLED panel
(SOLOMON SSD1329 controller);
: carries 176x220 AMPIRE AM176220 TFT panel (HIMAX HX8309
interface boards. Four boards can be installed at the same time, and two
board kinds are currently supplied: