7.7.2 Modify password
Select the user you want to modify in the user list,
click <Modify Pwd>,input the old password, new
password, password confirmation, then
7.7.3 Delete User
Select targeted user in user list and click
to delete.
7.8 Alarm Management
7.8.1 Alarm Input
IP Camera alarm input only has port1, alarm mode
include closed circuit alarm and open circuit alarm.
<ON>is closed circuit alarm.
<OFF>is open circuit alarm.
<Link Out>/<Link PTZ> activate alarm device or
7.8.2 Alarm Output
Alarm output only has port 1.
<ON>is closed circuit alarm.
<OFF>is open circuit alarm.
7.8.3 Motion Alarm
(1)<Set Motion Detection Area> Check to draw area on screen.
(2)<Clean Area> Clean drawn area.
(3)<ICR-Sensitivity> set detection sensitivity, range from 0-
100, 0 means the highest sensitivity.
(4)<Schedule> setup alarm arm schedule.
(5)<Link Out> set alarm activation.