NA011 - Manual - 05 - 2022
Data Base (application/drivers)
Using modular criteria, the database is structured in three sections:
- RAM containing the volatile data,
- REE and PAR containing the data recorded in non-volatile memory.
Duplication of the data into two memory banks is envisaged with a continuous control system based
on the cross checking of the consistency of the stored data. Modification of the calibration pa-
rameters is split into two stages; in particular, data undergoing modification is placed in temporary
memory and subsequently confirmed permanently (Store command) or discarded (Clear command).
Instead, the area identified as REE is set aside for recording data which does not require the Store
command for storage, or date written directly by the application (e.g.: counters,...)
Self-test (application)
This function cyclically monitors the operation of the main hardware and software functions without
affecting the process cycle with any significant delays.
In particular, the functions monitored are the following,
- the reference voltage levels,
- output relay coil continuity,
- the program flow control by monitoring the execution times and stack area occupancy,
- checking the pilot wires (accelerated logic system),
- the consistency of the data in the REE and PAR blocks, duplicated in the EEPROM.
Development tools
For the development of the project, a CASE instrument has been developed, responsible for the opti-
mized production of software code for the management of collaboration, the database and the MMI
data and the Xml files used for communication. The automatic code generation criteria ensures the
quality of the result in terms of the reusability, verifiability and maintainability of the software life