2 - 2
If a printer is to be connected, use the flat ribbon type cable which contains a Centronics type
36 pin ribbon-D connector on one end, and two DB25 connectors on the other end. Plug the
36 pin Centronics connector into the mating connector of the printer. Plug one of the DB25
connectors into the mating connector of the psychrometer. Note that only one of the DB25
connectors is of the proper gender to mate with the psychrometer.
Unused Connector
Flat Ribbon
Figure 2-2
Printer Connection
If both the printer and computer are to be connected to the psychrometer, connect the printer
first by following the procedures previously outlined (see Figure 2-2). Then plug the RS-232
cable into the unused connector on the printer cable. This connection scheme allows both the
printer and computer to communicate with the 5A-1MP simultaneously.
Flat Ribbon Cable
Small, Round Serial Cable
RS-232 Terminal
or Computer
Figure 2-3
Computer/Terminal and Printer Connections