1. Remove the hitch pins and “O” rings from
the ankle rest extension rods.
2. Loosen both ankle rest extension lockout
knobs and slowly remove the wooden dowels
from the plastic housing (these dowels were
installed for shipping purposes only to keep
the plastic spacer from falling out of the
plastic housing).
3. Slowly insert the ankle rest extension assembly
through the frame and plastic housings.
4. Once you’ve pushed the ankle rest extension
all the way in, replace the “O” rings and hitch pins.
1. Place headpiece onto its cushions.
2. Lift the headpiece slide block to a 45 degree angle by grasping
the headpiece lowering lever.
3. Grasp the long rod of the T-Bar and insert it through the hole in
the locking link of the slide block.
4. Lower the slide block to a closed position by applying counterclock-
wise (downward) pressure to the headpiece lowering lever.
1. Attach the piston/prone arm rest and crescent arm rest
mounting bracket (optional) to the headpiece plate,
matching up the colored dots.
2. Swing the piston/prone arm rest down out of the way
to provide room for attaching the headpiece.
Table Assembly
Your table will arrive in two boxes and is easy to assemble. The headpiece and ankle rest extension are packaged
separately from the table. We have included two different wrenches to assist you in the assembly process.
If your table base is metal and has wheels, the two back wheels
are fastened toward the center of the table for protection
during shipping. For proper table balance, it is important to
reposition the wheels so they extend outward from the table,
as follows:
1. Prop up the back of the table, (eg. with a piece of wood).
2. Using the two 1/2” wrenches provided, remove the bolts
holding the brackets to the table.
3. Reattach the brackets so the wheels are positioned outward
from the table, as shown on right in photo.