Piezo Stage Controller PDXC
Chapter 6: Command Line Operation
Rev B, September 23, 2021
Page 43
Where the result can be Single-Mode, Chain-Mode Main, Chain-Mode Secondary1, Chain-Mode Secondary
Chain-Mode Secondary11.
6.3.13. M0:cmd_Sx:cmd1_Sy:cmd2; Sx:cmd?
– Daisy-Chain Operation Command
Daisy-chain operation commands are used to control Main and/or Secondary devices at the same time, or
query one device at a time.
Command Set the Main and Command Set all wanted Secondary device
s. The string “M0:cmd” stands for
command set for the Main
, while string of “Sx:cmd” stands for command set for the x-th Secondary. The string of
“cmd” in this command line stands for any set command (not query command) for single device. The value of x
or y after l
etter ‘S’ in this command line range from 1 to 11, which should be the same daisy-chain ID number set
before. The user can combine a whole command from every t
arget chain ID command, separated by symbol ‘_’
between each other.
Queries command from Secondary x-th device. Note that each query command should only contain one device,
due to physical limitation of shared bus of the daisy-chain structure.
Where only the same chain ID (Secondary x here) will respond to this query command.
6.3.14. ETM=x; ETM?; ETMALL?
– Daisy-Chain Command
ETM command is used to enter or exit external trigger mode of the device.
ETM=xx or
xx[n] or xx[M],xx[n]
Sets the device to desired external trigger state. The value of xx can be one of the following:
xx=ML: Manual Moe(default)
xx=AR(/AF): Analog In with Rising(/Falling) trigger edge.
xx[n]=FR(/FF)[n]: Fixed-
Step Distance defined by ‘n’ in unit of mm, range from -10 to +10, with
Rising(/Falling) trigger edge.
xx[m],xx[n]=PR(/PF)[m],PR/(PF)[n]: Two-Fixed-Position defined separated by comma, each of which has its
own position variable(d
efined by ‘m’ or ‘n’), which is unit of mm, with its own Rising(/Falling) trigger edge.
Queries the external trigger status of device.
xx or xx[n] or xx[m],xx[n].
Where the results are the same as the value set above.
Queries all the parameters of the external trigger, except for Manual mode.
letter ‘A’ means the Analog in, ‘F’ means the Fixed-Step, ‘P’ means the Position, ‘R’ means the Rising-
edge, and ‘F’ means the Falling-edge.