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K-Cube Inertia Piezo Motor Driver
4.5.5 Menu Option - Set Jog Step Size
This option is used to set the distance moved when a jog
command is initiated. The step size is specified by the
‘number of cycles’ (or pulses)’ (see Section 6.3.1.), in the
range 1 to 2,000.
The optimum step size depends on several parameters
including the resistive torque against which the actuator
tip is pushing, the drive voltage, the step rate, active
preload, variance in the frictional behaviour of assembly
components, the direction of actuation and the condition
of the actuator.
Press the MENU button, then use the wheel to scroll
through the menu options.
Press the MENU button to enter the Set Jog Step Size
Use the wheel to adjust the forward jog step size, in the
range 0 to 2,000 cycles.
Press the MENU button to save the setting.
Use the wheel to adjust the reverse jog step size, in the
range 0 to 2,000 cycles.
Press the MENU button to save the setting and return to
the main operating display.
M e n u o p t i o n s
U s e W h e e l
M e n u o p t i o n s
4 S e t J o g S t e p S i z e
C h 1 F w d 2 0 0
t o s e t S t e p
C h 1 R e v 5 0 0
t o s e t S t e p
K I M 0 0 1
C h 1 0
K I M 0 0 1
C h 1 0