THORENS MM 001 Features Download Page 1




Phono Preamplifier MM 001

Plug-and-play phono preamplifier for connecting record 
players with MM pick-up to amplifiers without phono stage. 
Compact metal housing with external power supply. Dimen


sions (WxHxD): 100 x 36 x 77 mm

Thorens® Cleaning Set

Dedicated high-grade cleaning set for the profes


sional care of vinyl records and pick-up cartridges. 
Contents: domed velvet brush, carbon fibre brush, 
stylus brush, stylus cleaning brush with special fluid, 
record cleaning fluid. All items available separately.

Bubble Level

Thorens® LP Staatskapelle Dresden / 125



Thorens® Stabilizer

Special weight for enhancing trackability, which can be beneficial in 
particular to older vinyl records. Supplied in wooden box for storing.

Thorens® Platter Mat

2-part non-static platter mat consisting of fine granules. Made to effectively 
suppress the typical resonance generated in vinyl records during playback 
and to provide a silent foundation. The two parts are to compensate records 
of various thickness without having to adapt tonearm height (VTA).

© 2008 Thorens Export Company AG  Printed in the EU  AC200809-0808-DE/EN

Phono Preamplifier MM 005

Plug-and-play phono preamplifier for connecting record players with 
MM or MC pick-up to amplifiers without phono stage. Compact 
metal housing with aluminium front panel and external power sup


ply. Dimensions (WxHxD): 115 x 55 x 130 mm


Figures not to scale. Further information may be obtained from your local Thorens® dealer/distributor or from
