Kalypso Reference Manual
External Device E-MEM Menus
The External Device Links menu has two panes with scrolling lists, each
listing the devices setup for Kalypso system control. A primary device is
selected in the Primary Links pane on the left, and the devices that are to be
linked to that primary device are selected in the pane on the right.
Each device in the left pane has a button labeled with the name of the
device, and a text field that lists the links currently associated with that
primary device. Selecting a device button in the left plane illuminates that
button, and delegates the right scrolling list to allow selecting and de-
selecting links for that primary device. The
Links Enabled
button in this pane
activates or deactivates the links that have been established between the
With a primary device selected in the left pane, the remaining devices avail-
able for linking are displayed as active buttons in the right pane. Devices
not available for linking are grayed out and inactive. Touching one of the
active buttons in the right pane illuminates its indicator, and that device’s
name is added to the text field of links for the primary device. Touching an
illuminated button disassociates the link and removes that device’s name
from the text field.
E-MEM Control
The settings in this menu can be saved as E-MEM keyframes. When used
in conjunction with the Timeline Events menu, it becomes possible to have
an E-MEM register load, cue, and sync roll devices.