Kalypso Reference Manual
Section 3 — Menus
Menu Category Selection
Menu category selection touch buttons are arranged along the bottom of
the screen (
, etc. in the example). Touching one of these
buttons takes you directly to that category. The currently selected category
is shown by the green indicator on the touch button.
Some configuration menus have additional subcategory selections avail-
able at the left edge of the menu. The selected subcategory button is colored
Delegation Group
Additional levels of delegation are needed in the Keyer menu, since it must
control all 16 keyers. This highest level of delegation is located on the left
side of the menu, as a 4 x 4 grid of data pads (four M/Es, each with four
keyers). Data pads display limited status for a particular object. Touching a
data pad delegates that object, and the rest of the menu will then display
information and controls for only that object. The data pad of the selected
object is colored gold.
Mode Selection
Each keyer has several types of operation, one of which can be chosen with
the Mode Selection touch buttons. Selecting one of these touch buttons
deselects the others (they are interlocked). In the Keyer menu, when a par-
ticular mode is selected the Parameter Control area will display informa-
tion for only that mode of the delegated object. Different types and
numbers of controls can appear, depending on the capabilities of the
selected mode.
Generally, touch buttons that are closely related to one another have a blue
background, though this is not necessarily an indicator that the buttons are
Parameter Control Area
In the Keyer menu example, a Parameter Control area contains function
selection touch buttons and soft knob pads for the selected operating mode.
Function selection touch buttons either toggle on and off or are part of an
interlocked group.The soft knob pads on the right allow individual param-
eter adjustments, as described earlier.
Additional Function Buttons
In the Keyer menu, some functions are available for all delegated objects
and their modes. Touch buttons for these functions can be located outside
the Parameter Control area.