Kalypso Reference Manual
4-M/E Main Panel
– Moves the cursor to the last keyframe of the effect.
These buttons are inactive during effect runs.
Additional timeline navigation buttons reside in the Master E-MEM sub-
panel (
Timeline Navigation Buttons on page 116
Mode Selection Group
Const Dur
– Enables Constant Duration operating mode, in which the overall
duration of the effect can be retained through editing. Inserting new key-
frames between existing keyframes (on the path) occurs normally in this
mode, since this does not change the effect duration. Inserting a keyframe
on an existing keyframe is also permitted in Constant Duration mode,
however, even though this does increase the duration of the overall effect.
(This is different behavior from the Grass Valley Model 4000 switcher,
which did not permit inserting on a keyframe in Constant Duration mode).
Constant Duration mode influences Delete, Cut, Copy, and Paste opera-
tions. For example, if a keyframe is deleted from an effect with
Cons Dur
the time between that keyframe and the next is removed, shortening the
duration of the effect. If a key frame is deleted with
Const Dur
on, the key
frame data is removed from the effect, but the subsequent key frames do
not move on the timeline. The duration of the previous keyframe is
increased to fill the time.
Cursor Button Group
The cursor buttons affect use of the run and edit cursors. These buttons are
interlocked. One or the other will always be high tally.
Time Crsr
– When
Time Crsr
is selected, the time and edit cursors are com-
bined and move together. When an effect runs, the cursor moves through
the effect and the work buffer is updated with interpolated values between
keyframes. When keyframe navigation buttons are used to move the
cursor, the work buffer continues to be updated. Edit operations occur at
the combined cursor location using the current work buffer values.
Edit Crsr
– When
Edit Crsr
is selected, the time and edit cursors can be sepa-
rated. Effect run controls (
Lever Arm
) move only the time cursor,
and the work buffer is updated at each new time cursor location. Keyframe
navigation controls affect only the edit cursor, and the work buffer does not
change when the edit cursor moves. Because editing operations occur at
the edit cursor location, an edit can be made at a different location from
where the effect is parked. You can run an effect to one location (which
updates the work buffer), navigate to another location (which leaves the
work buffer the same), and perform an Insert or Modify to apply the work
buffer values from the parked location to the edit cursor location. Edits can
also be made without disturbing the work buffer, leaving the program
output of the switcher unchanged.