8900NET Instruction Manual
Using the 8900NET GUI
Assign a name to the input signal to the module in the
Input Signal Name
The slot configuration for each media module is automatically saved peri-
odically (once an hour) to the 8900NET module in that frame. You may also
select the
Learn Module Config
button at any time to save the current configu-
ration for this slot. The configuration is saved on the 8900NET module. If
the 8900NET module is removed or powered down, the stored configura-
tions are not saved.
When the
Restore upon Install
box has been checked, the current configuration
saved to this slot is saved as slot memory. When the current module is
removed and another module of the same type is installed, the configura-
tion saved to the 8900NET module will be downloaded to the new module.
The box must be checked before the current module with the saved config-
uration is removed.
Hardware Switch Controls
This section is a read-only status report of 8900NET module switch settings
for Module Status Reporting and Asynchronous Status Reporting. These
functions must be enabled for the following Slot SNMP Trap Reports to
Slot SNMP Trap Reports
This section is displayed only when the SNMP Agent software has been
installed on the 8900NET module. Slot SNMP traps can be enabled only
when the hardware switches for Module Fault reporting and Asynchro-
nous Status reporting are in enabled on the 8900NET module (dipswitch S1
segment 7 and dipswitch S2 segment 1).
The enabled SNMP traps will be reported to any SNMP manager that is
identified as an SNMP Report Destination in 8900NET configuration. Trap
severity is read-only hard-coded information that is interpreted and
responded to by the SNMP Manager software configuration.
Module ID and Network Parameters
To view or change the module identity and currently assigned network
addresses for the 8900NET module access the Network page illustrated in
Depending on the type of frame this module is installed in, this network con-
figuration is saved on either the 8900NET module or on the frame backplane.
Refer to