Functional Description
Mass Spectrometer
Thermo Scientific
TSQ Quantum XLS and TSQ Quantum GC User Guide
Figure 8.
Transfer line
Mass Spectrometer
The TSQ Quantum XLS mass spectrometer provides sample ionization and mass analysis of
samples introduced from a gas chromatograph or direct insertion probe. The mass
spectrometer uses a triple-quadrupole mass analyzer with an ion source external to the mass
analyzer. Several important features of the TSQ Quantum XLS and TSQ Quantum GC mass
spectrometers are as follows:
• High sensitivity and resolution
10 to 3000 mass range
• EI and CI ionization modes
• Positive and negative ion polarity modes
• MS and MS/MS scan modes
• Full-scan, SIM, SRM, iSRM, QED MS, AutoSIM, and data-dependent scan types
The mass spectrometer includes the following components:
Mass spectrometer
ion source end
GC end
Inlet for
calibration gas
and CI gas