Thermo Scientific
TSQ Altis, Quantis, and Fortis Hardware Manual
Scan Types
The TSQ Altis, TSQ Quantis, and TSQ Fortis MSs operate in a variety of scan types. The
most common can be divided into two categories: single mass spectrometry (MS) scan types
and MS/MS scan types. The scan types in each category are as follows:
• MS scan types: full scan (Q1), full scan (Q3), selected ion monitoring (SIM) scan (Q1),
and SIM scan (Q3)
• MS/MS scan types: product ion scan, precursor ion scan, neutral loss scan, and
reaction monitoring (SRM) scan type
The available modes depend on the number and type of rod assemblies and the voltages
applied to the rod assemblies.
• Full Scan Q1 and Q3 Scan Types