Installing Optional Kits
Installing the Merlin Microseal High Pressure Valve Kit
TRACE 1300 and TRACE 1310 Hardware Manual
Thermo Scientific
To install the Merlin Microseal Valve kit on the SSL/SSLBKF and HeS-S/SL injector
1. Put the GC in standby condition.
2. Cool the oven and injector to room temperature.
3. Turn the carrier gas off, and wait for the carrier pressure to go to zero.
4. Put the autosampler away if present.
5. Open the module flap cover.
6. Remove the septum.
Figure 326.
SSL/SSLBKF and HeS-S/SL Injector: Septum Replacement
Unscrew and remove the septum cap.
b. Using tweezers, remove the septum from the septum holder.
7. Install the Microseal valve on the injector.
By pressing the
button, the GC cool down is automatically
carried out.
Septum Holder
Septum Cap