Lab Report
The Lab Report is a PDF report of the results for each sample in a sequencing run. The
assay used in the run determines the data that is included in the report.
To automatically generate a Lab Report for each sample during data analysis of a run,
select the Generate Report checkbox in the Setup step when you plan the run (for
more information, see Chapter 5, “Create and manage run plans“). To generate a Lab
Report for each sample after a run is complete, see page 108.
When a Lab Report has been generated for a sample, a link is available in the Results
> Runs Results screen in the Actions column for that sample. Click the link to
download the PDF.
Lab reports can be electronically signed by manager- and administrator-level users.
Electronically signed reports have a (Signed Off Report) symbol next to the
sample name in the Run Results screen. The electronic signature is included in the
footer of the report. For more information, see “Sign off on the run results (manager/
administrator)“ on page 107.
The Lab Report typically contains the following sections and information, depending
on the assay used.
Sample Details
The sample information that is entered into the software. You can customize the format of the
Sample Details section when you create a new report template. To create a new report
template, click Assay
Presets, then in the Report Templates tab, click Add New.
Sequence Variations:
Variants and fusions detected in the sample, based on the targets defined by the assay. Allele
frequencies are also reported.
Test Description
A description of the report or assay entered in the report template.
Sequence Variations:
Not Detected
Variants and fusions not detected in the sample, based on the targets defined by the assay.
Laboratory comments entered in the report template.
Sequencing Run
Contains the following subsections:
• Assay—the assay name and panel used
• Analysis—the run date and name of the user who sent the run to the instrument
• Run Details—the consumables used in the run
• Control QC Evaluation Metrics—a summary of the CF-1 quality control metrics
• Run QC Evaluation Metrics—a summary of the run quality control metrics
• Sample QC Evaluation Metrics—a summary of the sample quality control metrics
Chapter 9
Review data and results
Lab Report
Integrated Sequencer User Guide