CSA Certified Systems
6-2 AutoPILOT PRO Flow Computer User Guide
Thermo Fisher Scientific
The CSA certified version of the SIB has the following ratings:
Electrical: 12 Vdc nominal at 250 mA maximum
Class I, Div. 2, Groups C & D; hazardous area
Temperature Code T4 (135°C)
Ambient temperature range: -40°C to +85°C
The SIB may accept the following connections:
Power source from the AutoPILOT PRO flow computer, 12 Vdc
nominal at 5 A maximum
RS232 signal from the AutoPILOT PRO flow computer
Up to four AutoMITTER PRO transmitters
One Honeywell smart multivariable transducer for each
AutoMITTER PRO transmitter. Transducer option can be from
the SMV3000 or SMV2000 series. Maximum pressure rating for
selected transducer model is 4500 psi.
The SIB is shown below.
Figure 6–1. AutoMITTER SIB, CSA (p/n 3-0443-918)
CSA Certified