Accela 600 Pump or Accela 1250 Pump Installation
Benchtop Setup
Thermo Scientific
Accela 600 and 1250 Pump Hardware Manual
Layout for an Accela LC System with an Accela Open Autosampler
shows the recommended layout for a stand-alone Accela LC system with an Accela
Open Autosampler. This setup requires a minimum benchtop area 68 cm (27 in.) wide by
72 cm (28 in.) deep. The LC pump and detector are stacked below the autosampler table.
The height of the Accela Open Autosampler with attached stand is 104.5 cm (41 in.).
For Accela LC systems that include additional Accela instruments, follow these guidelines:
• If your LC system includes two LC pumps and a detector, stack the pumps under the
autosampler table and place the detector to the side of the table.
• If your LC system includes two LC pumps and two detectors, place the pump stack under
the autosampler table and the detector stack to the side of the table. If your LC system
includes an RI detector in addition to a UV-Vis detector or a PDA detector, place the RI
detector at the end of the solvent path.
The minimum benchtop width for a system that includes additional Accela modules is
1.2 m (4 ft).