The following disposal recommendations are valid for the machine (or its accessories) at the end of its
useful life, or the parts that must be disposed of because they are worn out or degraded during use.
Prior to disposal, the machine and accessories must be decontaminated. In this respect the user is required
to submit the enclosed decontamination certificate, completed and signed, to the company or persons who
are in charge of disposal.
The elements of the product that may become noxious during the life of the product are the following:
- Electric batteries and accumulators situated in the front panel of the machine among the other electrical
and electronic components,
- Oil in the compressor of the refrigeration system,
- Refrigerant.
Disposal of these elements must be in accordance with applicable regulations and recommendations defined
by the relevant regulatory bodies. In addition, these elements must be disposed of differently based on the
different noxious substances they contain (possibly by a specialized disposal company).
Disposal of Product
Disposal of Product