TheraTogs Wunzi Strapping Manuallines Download Page 1


 System Strapping Guidelines 

We designed the Wunzi™ System to support the primary goal of achieving trunk control 
as a foundation for using the limbs to move and to function. Because infants developing 
typically achieve bilateral, symmetrical extension against gravity first, and flexion 
second, we listed the following strapping procedures in order of priority, beginning with 
those intended to optimize the building of trunk extension strength and control.

–Beverly Cusick, PT, MS, NDT, COF

Trunk Extension 



Cross Strap


Split Strap







The elasticized white TogRite material is too strong to wrap completely around any limb. 

1.  Attach 3 more same-size tabs and turn the 

Split Strap (shown in Fig 6) or the Cross Strap 
so that the longer length is horizontal to the 
body. Try them both to assess for optimum 
effect on posture.

2.  Lay the strap center over the part of the 

spine that needs more support.

3.  Attach the top 2 ends of the strap to the 

garment on the sides of the upper ribcage 
near the nipples.

4.  Draw the bottom 2 ends toward the pelvis & 

wrap them around the waist (Fig 6).

5.  Attach them to the lower front panel on the 

garment (Fig 7).

6.  Assess the effect; adjust strap selection, 

position, length, and tension to optimize 
trunk extension.

7.  When satisfied, mark and number the strap 

attachments on the garment.

8.  To increase attachment space in front, add a 

GoldTone straight strap across the lower torso 
below the navel (Fig 8A).

9.  Attach the lower 2 strap ends to the lower 

abdominal straight strap (Fig 8B).

Fig 6. Attach top two ends 

of the horizontal Split Strap 

over the upper chest. Pull 

the bottom 2 ends down & 

around the lower torso.

Fig 7. Attach the bottom 
2 strap ends to the lower 

front panel.

Fig 8. (A) To increase 

attachment space in front, 

cut & add a GoldTone 


Strap across the torso 

below the navel. (B) 

Reattach the bottom Split 

Strap ends to this strap.


The new V-shaped Wunzi Trunk Extension-Assist (WTE) Strap is well-suited to the Wunzi garment design. It is stiff vertically, and pre-tabbed at 
the top and bottom ends for ease of use. Here’s how to apply it:

1. Take two folds in the fabric lying over the outer buttocks and tab them down (like a dart) (Figure 1).
2. Lay the WTE lengthwise on the child’s back with the foamed side down and the 2 narrow straps draped over the shoulders.
3. Attach the two shoulder straps to the upper front side of the garment, avoiding the garment shoulder tabs (Figure 2).
4.  With the child’s back straight, draw the bottom end of the WTE Strap downward and attach the tab to the garment that runs over  

the crotch (Figures 3 & 4).

5. Use 2 “banana”-shaped tabs to attach the WTE to the garment (Figure 5).
6. Place the child in sitting and assess the effect.
7. Adjust the WTE tension and side tab locations to optimize the effect without compromising comfort.
8. When satisfied, mark all tab attachment sites on the garment.


 If the spine still bulges in sitting and/or standing, add a Split Strap (see below).

Fig 1. Tab down  

2 folds.

Fig 2. Attach shoulder 

flap tabs to the garment 

front panel.

Fig 3. Draw the bottom 

of the WTE downward.

Fig 4. Attach WTE  

to garment under  

the crotch.

Fig 5. Use 2 banana tabs to secure the WTE  

on the garment.

Wunzi Strapping Guidelines ©2017 TheraTogs, Inc.


