How to calibrate the amplifier and subwoofer with the source unit:
Health Warning
Turn the gain knob on the amplifier all the way down
The Competition Pro range of car audio is built for very high power handling. Listening to
Play a CD or similar of music or audio that will be typically played
music at such high powers is potentially capable of causing physical side effects such as
Turn the gain control on the source unit to around 70
– 80% of it’s maximum
nausea or even permanent side effects such as hearing loss. It is therefore absolutely
Slowly increase the gain knob on the amplifier until the sound reaches the desired
essential that conservatism and a high sense of judgement is observed when in operation.
TheLoudest.com accepts no liability for hearing disorders, nausea or other side effects
If distortion is present, turn the gain knob on the amplifier to just before this
caused by this equipment.
distortion occurs
Test the system and make any equalisation changes on the source unit or the
General Safety
amplifier according to taste
Playing loud music in a vehicle can hinder your sense of what is going on around you on
If any equalisation changes are made, repeat stages 1 to 7 until satisfied
the road, including your ability to hear your own, and other vehicles. We recommend
Never exceed the source unit gain that you used to calibrate the system
listening at low or moderate levels while driving.
TheLoudest.com accepts no liability for injury, property damage or otherwise resulting
from the use or misuse of this equipment.
It is possible for the gain knob to be at only a quarter of its maximum, but the
amplifier is actually outputting to its full potential. This could be because the source
Do not use any chemicals when cleaning this equipment. Please use a clean dry cloth.
unit is supplying slightly more power than normally expected.
Always turn the gain down or off if you can hear distortion.
Do not install this unit outside the car, or anywhere where it could become damp or humid,
No matter how robust or powerful a subwoofer is designed to be, any speaker’s
or where it can become exposed to the sun. It should be installed in a dry and ventilated
mechanical structure is physically susceptible to damage if played for a prolonged
area inside the car.
period of time in an over-driven state. To avoid this, never use an amplifier which
has RMS output values in excess of the rated RMS input values of the subwoofer or
Never connect or disconnect the subwoofer when the amplifier is on; this can permanently
combination of subwoofers.
damage the subwoofer. Always do this when it is off.
Always ensure that the load impedance (in ohms) provided by the subwoofer is never
lower than the minimum load impedance (in ohms) of the amplifier. Connecting a 1
Never open the amplifier up. Doing so would put you at risk of an electric shock. None of
ohm load to an amplifier that has a minimum load of 4 ohm bridge for example, can
the internal parts are serviceable by the user. In the case of the unit needing repair or
result in permanent damage to the amplifier and/or subwoofer.
maintenance, please take it to a qualified professional.
Avoid using amplifiers that have significantly lower RMS output values than the RMS
input rating of the subwoofer. This can result in the amplifier producing distortion as
it is being worked very hard. This means that the audio is distorted before it reaches
the subwoofer and can damage the subwoofer permanently.
Mounting Instructions
As illustrated to the right of this text, the TL-1121 subwoofer
can be mounted either inside the enclosure facing outwards
(top diagram) or outside the enclosure facing inwards
(bottom diagram).
Position the woofer in place and mark the position of the
mounting 8 points onto the enclosure. It is advisable to use a
1 or 2 mm drill bit to make “pilot holes” before replacing the
woofer and using self-tapping screws (not supplied) to secure
the woofer in place. If mounting the woofer inside the box, it
is important to ensure the audio leads are connected to the
woofer before securing it in place.