IPsecure Interface KNX
Planning and application
Firmware update
The device’s firmware should always be kept up to date. Theben provides tools with which the device’s firmware
status can be checked.
Theben IP Tool can be used for a firmware update in non-secure mode.
It can be downloaded free of charge from our website.
The device cannot be updated with the IP Tool in KNX Secure mode.
In this case, the firmware update will be possible only with the ETS app “Theben Update App”.
During the update process, the KNX bus (TP) must be connected in addition to the IP network (LAN) so that the
KNX parameters can be restored correctly.
Otherwise, the update process will fail.
It must be ensured that no voltage failure (KNX or IP) occurs during the update process, otherwise the device
can be destroyed.