Getting Started with TTIG
Salient Features
Activate your gateway in less than 5 mins
• An 8 channel LoRaWAN indoor gateway
• One of the first gateways to support the state-of-the-art
Basic station Protocol
• Supports LBT.
• Simple setup steps taking lesser than 5 mins.
• Can connect to any network backend of choice.
• Setup and Connectivity over WiFi.
• Built-in omnidirectional antenna for indoor use.
• EU868, US915, AS923 and CN470 versions available.
• Security via a range of modes.
• Press the reset button (small button at the back of the gateway next to the USB-C
port) for 5 seconds until the LED blinks rapidly GREEN<->RED for a couple of times.
• Hold the SETUP (button at the top of the gateway, next to the LED) for 10 seconds until
the LED blinks rapidly in RED.
• The gateway now exposes a WiFi AP whose SSID is MINIHUB-xxxxxx where xxxxxx is the
last 6 digits of the gateway ID.
• The password for this network is printed on the back panel of the device under WiFi PW.
• After connecting to this network go to using a web browser to access the
WiFi config page.