Airplane Factory SLING LSA
Pilot Operating Handbook
Page | 4-12
Date of Issue: 07 July 2014
Revision : 1.3
Normal take-off
Before take-off
1. Controls
- verify full and free movement,
2. Trim
- neutral.
3. Choke
- off (912 ULS).
4. Flaps
- as required (typically 1 notch).
5. Fuel quantity
- confirm.
6. Fuel selector
- open (RIGHT).
7. Electric fuel pump
- on (912 ULS).
Auxiliary electric fuel pump
- on (912 iS).
8. Circuit breakers
- all in.
9. Instruments
- verify all.
10 Altimeter
- set QNH / QFE.
11. Switches
-verify, as required.
12. Power and ignition
- verify magnetos at 4 000rpm, max
diff 115 rpm, max drop 300 rpm
(912 ULS).
13. Engine parameters
- verify temperatures, pressures,
14. Canopy
- closed and latched.
15. Safety harnesses
- on and tight.
16.Ballistic parachute (if fitted)
- remove.
handle lock pin.