NBS®90 PolySort & SP IOM
P/N: 1193974
Revision Date: 4/25/2019
8.15: NBS
Belts, as shipped from TGW Systems, are cut to length with lacing installed. Rolls of belting should be
stored on edge on a pallet. Never leave a belt where it may absorb moisture. Remove any tight
shipping banding immediately upon arrival. Lacing pins are taped inside the lacing on each belt.
The NBS90 PolySort conveyor should be completely installed and aligned before belt installation.
Remove the plexiglass side covers from the sides of the auxiliary belt take-up frame, exposing the take-
up pulleys. Switch the take-up air switch to the un-tensioned position, raising the take-up pulleys to the
minimum take-up position.
Belt Threading
Because NBS uses multiple narrow belts of long length, it will be most efficient to have two people
working together during the threading process.
The belting must be uncoiled and laid out flat on the sorter, with
the smooth black carrying surface up. The belts must not be
allowed to twist along their length as they are installed. Start at the
charge end (farthest from the drive) and feed all of the belts
through together at the same time. Start the belts down between
the gap roller and the end pulley. Guide the belts under the 4"
diameter end pulley and up and over the 4" diameter snub pulley,
before passing through the belt guide wheels.
All belts must pass over any return rollers positioned to minimize
belt sag and through holes in crossmembers.
The black PVC surface of the belt should be up and the rough surface rides in the UHMW tracks.
Mesh the loops of the lacing on one end of the belt with the loops on the other, so the sides of the belt
are even, and install the lacing pin.
Belt Tracking
With the belts tensioned, "bump" the motor to be sure rotation is correct, the belts are running smoothly
and maintaining their position. Most NBS90 PolySort conveyors do not require belt tracking. However,
each conveyor should be checked at the charge and discharge ends to be sure the belts are floating in
a neutral position not crowding the sides of the UHMW guide tracks. If the belts are out of their grooves
or riding hard to one side fine adjustments can be made on the driven pulley jackscrew, at the
discharge end.
Reinstall the bottom pan on the end pulley assembly and access covers on the auxiliary belt take-up.