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battery rather than from the control panel. Although volume is somewhat reduced,
lowering the current demand on the control panel will enable the connection of
additional sounder units.
To select SCB Mode, the unit should first be powered from the built-in battery by
either using the jumper included on some models or by connecting the red battery
wire from the “N/C” (No Connect) terminal to the “B” terminal. The unit
will automatically enter Hold-Off mode to disable Self-Activate (S/A) on tamper, this
will prevent the unit from self‑activating until both the tamper circuit is closed and
power is supplied from the control panel. Move the SAB/SCB jumper to the SCB
position before the unit is connected to the control panel.
If the tamper circuit is closed and the unit is powered by the battery
only, the right LED will flash quickly to signal that the unit cannot
self‑activate until power has been supplied from the control panel.
When selecting SCB mode the battery must be connected before power
is supplied from the control panel. If a unit is powered from a control panel
with SCB mode selected but without the battery connected, the unit will not
operate correctly due to the lack of power provided.
The built-in battery will only be partially charged on delivery.
1.7 Commissioning
Most control panels have a method of testing the siren and strobe, which should be
utilised for final testing. Failing this, simply arm the system and cause an alarm to
confirm correct operation. Temporarily disconnect the positive supply to the unit at
the control panel to confirm that the sounder self-activates.
The strobe does not self-activate.
Some control panels have an option to select the sounder cut-off time.
The unit will sound for either 15 minutes or for the panel cut-off time,
whichever is the shorter.