TVP5160EVM User’s Guide Indirect Register Editor
The indirect register editor, as shown in Figure 16, allows the display and editing of the indirect
registers (or hardware registers) of the device.
To open this, first open the register map editor in the
menu for the TVP5160. Then, click
Edit Indirect Registers
button. The operation of the controls of the indirect register editor is
explained in Table 6.
Figure 16. Indirect Register Editor
Table 6.
Indirect Register Controls
Base Address Selector
The indirect registers use a 24-bit address internally. The base address selector
allows quick entry of the base address. The list contains base addresses for the
major functional blocks of the TVP5160 decoder.
Base Address Edit Box
This allows the 24-bit base address to be typed in directly.
Address Offset Edit Box
This contains the lowest byte of the 24-bit internal address. The full 24-bit address
is formed by adding the base address to the address offset.
The address up/down arrows increment/decrement the address offset by 4.
Data Edit Boxes
This contains the 32-bit data word that will be written to or read from the indirect
address. The LSB data is at the lowest address. The data is written/read LSB first.
The data up/down arrows increment/decrement the data value by 1.
Write Button
Writes the (4) bytes in the
Data Edit
boxes starting at the 24-bit indirect address
Read Button
Reads (4) consecutive data bytes starting at the 24-bit indirect address
Data Edit
Loop Count Edit Box
Causes subsequent write or read operations to be performed N times. N is
entered as a decimal number from 1 to 999.
Close Button
Closes the dialog.
NOTE: The indirect register editor can remain open with other windows. Use the
Window menu to navigate.