Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout
SLAU822A – December 2019 – Revised April 2020
Copyright © 2019–2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TUSS44x0 EVM for Ultrasonic Sensors User's Guide
Exit —
This option disconnects the U2A I/F from the GUI so that the I/F can be used by another
instance of the GUI, or other program.
Datalogs Enabled/Disabled —
When enabled (default), every GUI action and micro-controller
command is logged in the Datalog text box in the Utility tab.
Dialogs Enabled/Disabled —
When enabled (default), the GUI will prompt the user with a Message
Box when critical action must be taken by the user, or when an import status message is
available. When disabled, the GUI will surpress all Message Box prompts, which is required
when needing to run an automated script uninterrupted.
Right Panel —
The utility tab in the right panel can be made visible or hidden.
Datasheet —
This option includes a hyperlink to the online-PDF version of the data sheet. If no
internet access is detected, the data sheet will load from the install directory.
Collateral —
This option includes a hyperlink to the online product page for the TUSS44x0 device.
About —
This option includes details regarding the revision history of the GUI and assembly
Check for Updates —
This option includes a hyperlink to the online software development page of the
TUSS44x0. This option also checks if the GUI version online matches that of the running GUI.
Quick Access Menu
The Quick Access menu refresh application option is defined as follows:
Refresh Application —
To refresh the GUI in the event of an error, or hardware change, click the
Refresh Application
button to ensure the proper settings are populated into all GUI fields.
Status Bar
The status bar updates the user of all activity and status changes of the EVM hardware. If the hardware is
connected, the status bar includes a virtual green LED to indicate that the EVM is operating correctly, and
that a TUSS44x0 device is detected. If the virtual LED turns red, either the EVM hardware has
disconnected, or a TUSS44x0 device was not detected.
Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout
This section provides a detailed description of the schematic, bill of materials (BOM), and layout.