DAC5687 GUI Register Descriptions
Software Operation
Figure 7. DAC5687 GUI
For normal operation, the user needs only to select values and switches as desired. The values are
automatically sent to the device and read back to verify their configuration.
Register Controls
Load Regs– Loads register values from a saved file to the DAC5687 and updates the GUI.
Save Regs– Saves current GUI registers settings to a text file for future use.
Read All– Reads the current registers of the DAC5687. This is used to verify settings on the front
Send All– Sends the current front panel registers to the device. This is generally only used when the
Demo Kit power has recycled or the device has been reset and the user wants to load the displayed
settings to the device.
Configuration Controls
Full Bypass– When set, all filtering, QMC, and NCO functions are bypassed.
FIR Bypass– Bypass all interpolation filters. QMC INCO functional. Limited to FDAC = 250 MHz
FIFO Bypass– When set to bypass, the internal four sample FIFO is disabled. When cleared, the FIFO
is enabled.
FIR A– A side first FIR filter in high-pass mode when set, low-pass mode when cleared.
SLWU013A – March 2004 – Revised September 2005