Quick Start List for Stand-Alone Operation
To use the TPA3200D1EVM stand-alone or when connecting it into existing circuits or equipment, follow
these steps. Connections to the EVM module can be made by inserting stripped wire into the plated
through holes on the J1, J2 headers and using banana plugs for the other connectors on the PCB.
Power Supply (Step 1)
1. Ensure that all external power sources are set to OFF.
2. Connect an additional external regulated power supply set to 5 V to the module VDD and GND pins on
the top side of the J2 header.
This supply should be turned ON before the VCC supply is turned ON.
3. Connect an external regulated power supply adjusted from 8 V–18 V to the module VCC (J4) and GND
(J3) banana jacks taking care to observe marked polarity.
Evaluation Module Preparations (Step 2)
Inputs and Outputs
1. Ensure that all connections are made to the I
S inputs (SCLK, BCK, LRCK, DATA, and GND) on the
J1 header.
2. Connect a speaker across OUTP (J8) and OUTN (J7)
3. Install both gain jumpers GAIN0 (J5) and GAIN1 (J6). This sets the gain of the amplifier to the lowest
level, 12 dB.
Control Inputs
1. SHUTDOWN: This terminal is active low. A low on the device terminal (< 0.8 V) shuts down the
amplifier; a high (> 2 V) on the device terminal places the amplifier in the active state. Holding down
switch S1 places the amplifier in the SHUTDOWN state. Releasing S1 returns the amplifier to the
active state.
2. MUTE: This terminal is active high. A high on this terminal immediately terminates audio playback
through the speakers. However, the outputs are still active (they are switching). The outputs are not
disabled like the SHUTDOWN case. S3 on the EVM controls the state of the MUTE terminal. Switching
the left side of S3 to 1 turns Mute on. Switching S3 to the 0 position turns Mute off.
3. FORMAT: This terminal selects between two possible digital data input formats. S2 on the EVM
controls the data format. Switching the right side of S2 to 0 selects the 16-24 bit, I
S format. Switching
the right side of S2 to 1 selects the 16-bit right-justified format.
4. LSEL/RSEL: A typical digital input data stream consists of 2 channels of data. However, this amplifier
is a mono, bridged-tied amplifier. Therefore, it is necessary to select which channel of data is sent to
the mono output. This terminal is used to select between the 2 channels, typically left/right data.
Switching the left side of S2 to the RSEL position selects right-channel data. Switching the left side of
S2 to the LSEL position selects left-channel data.
5. DEMP: This terminal is used to enable/disable the internal 44.1-kHz de-emphasis filter. S3 on the EVM
controls the functionality of this terminal. Switching the right side of S3 to the 0 position disables the
44.1-kHz de-emphasis. Switching the right side of S3 to the 1 position enables the 44.1-kHz
6. GAIN0/GAIN1: Together, these terminals control the back-end gain of the amplifier. Jumpers J5 and
J6 control these terminals. The position of these jumpers and resulting gain is shown in
TPA3200D1 Audio Power Amplifier Evaluation Module
SLOU173B – June 2005 – Revised July 2005