3 Quick Start Guide
The DRV8316REVM requires a power-supply source, which has a recommended operating range from 4.5 V to
35 V. To setup and power the EVM, use the following sequence:
1. Connect the power supply ground to PGND of the two-pin power connector J5 and the voltage pin to the
VBAT pin. Ensure R13 on the bottom layer is not populated and that jumpers J1-J3 of the LAUNCHXL-
F280049C are populated (USB powers LaunchPad).
2. Connect the motor phases to OUTA, OUTB, and OUTC. If using the Hall sensors, connect them to five-pin
shows. Select 3.3V or HALL_EXT_PWR on jumper J8 to select Hall power
3. Mate the DRV8316REVM onto the top half of the LAUNCHXL-F280049C (Launchpad Headers J1/J3 and
shows. The motor and power connectors should face the same direction as the Micro-
USB connector on the LaunchPad.
4. Power on the DRV8316REVM.
5. Connect a Micro-USB cable from the computer into the Micro USB connector on the top of the LAUNCHXL-
Quick Start Guide
DRV8316REVM Evaluation Module
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