Overview of TMS320C6000 Peripherals
Timer: The ’C6000 devices have two 32-bit general-purpose timers that are
used to:
Time events
Count events
Generate pulses
Interrupt the CPU
Send synchronization events to the DMA/EDMA controller
Interrupt Selector: The ’C6000 peripheral set produces 14–16 interrupt
sources. The CPU has 12 interrupts available. The interrupt selector allows
you to choose which 12 interrupts your system needs. The interrupt selector
also allows you to change the polarity of external interrupt inputs.
Power-down: The power-down logic allows reduced clocking to reduce pow-
er consumption. Most of the operating power of CMOS logic dissipates during
circuit switching from one logic state to another. By preventing some or all of
the chip’s logic from switching, you can realize significant power savings with-
out losing any data or operational context.