RTC_C Operation
SLAU356I – March 2015 – Revised June 2019
Copyright © 2015–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Real-Time Clock (RTC_C)
20.2 RTC_C Operation
20.2.1 Calendar Mode
The RTC_C module provides seconds, minutes, hours, day of week, day of month, month, and year in
either BCD or hexadecimal format. The calendar includes a leap-year algorithm that considers all years
evenly divisible by four as leap years. This algorithm is accurate from the year 1901 through 2099. The
RTC registers must be configured by user software before use.
20.2.2 Real-Time Clock and Prescale Dividers
The prescale dividers, RT0PS and RT1PS, are automatically configured to provide a 1-second clock
interval for the RTC. The RTC clock source (BCLK) must be operated at 32768 Hz, nominal for proper
RTC operation. RT0PS is sourced from the backup domain clock (BCLK). The output of RT0PS /256 (Q7)
is used to source RT1PS. RT1PS is further divider and the /128 output sources the real-time clock counter
registers providing the required 1-second time interval.
When RTCBCD = 1, BCD format is selected for the calendar registers. It is possible to switch between
BCD and hexadecimal format while the RTC is counting.
Setting RTCHOLD halts the real-time counters and prescale counters, RT0PS and RT1PS.
For reliable update to all Calendar Mode registers
Keep RTCHOLD = ‘1’ before writing into ANY of the calendar/prescalar registers (RTCPS0/1,
20.2.3 Real-Time Clock Alarm Function
The RTC_C module provides for a flexible alarm system. There is a single user-programmable alarm that
can be programmed based on the settings contained in the alarm registers for minutes, hours, day of
week, and day of month.
Each alarm register contains an alarm enable (AE) bit that can be used to enable the respective alarm
register. By setting AE bits of the various alarm registers, a variety of alarm events can be generated.
Example 1: A user wishes to set an alarm every hour at 15 minutes past the hour, i.e., 00:15:00,
01:15:00, 02:15:00, etc. This is possible by setting RTCAMIN to 15. By setting the AE bit of the
RTCAMIN and clearing all other AE bits of the alarm registers, the alarm is enabled. When enabled,
the RTCAIFG is set when the count transitions from 00:14:59 to 00:15:00, 01:14:59 to 01:15:00,
02:14:59 to 02:15:00, etc.
Example 2: A user wishes to set an alarm every day at 04:00:00. This is possible by setting
RTCAHOUR to 4. By setting the AE bit of the RTCHOUR and clearing all other AE bits of the alarm
registers, the alarm is enabled. When enabled, the RTCAIFG is set when the count transitions from
03:59:59 to 04:00:00.
Example 3: A user wishes to set an alarm for 06:30:00. RTCAHOUR would be set to 6 and RTCAMIN
would be set to 30. By setting the AE bits of RTCAHOUR and RTCAMIN, the alarm is enabled. Once
enabled, the RTCAIFG is set when the time count transitions from 06:29:59 to 06:30:00. In this case,
the alarm event occurs every day at 06:30:00.
Example 4: A user wishes to set an alarm every Tuesday at 06:30:00. RTCADOW would be set to 2,
RTCAHOUR would be set to 6 and RTCAMIN would be set to 30. By setting the AE bits of
RTCADOW, RTCAHOUR and RTCAMIN, the alarm is enabled. Once enabled, the RTCAIFG is set
when the time count transitions from 06:29:59 to 06:30:00 and the RTCDOW transitions from 1 to 2.
Example 5: A user wishes to set an alarm the fifth day of each month at 06:30:00. RTCADAY would be
set to 5, RTCAHOUR would be set to 6 and RTCAMIN would be set to 30. By setting the AE bits of
RTCADAY, RTCAHOUR and RTCAMIN, the alarm is enabled. Once enabled, the RTCAIFG is set
when the time count transitions from 06:29:59 to 06:30:00 and the RTCDAY equals 5.