MPU Interface
DSP Subsystem
ST3—HOM_R Bit (Bit 9)
The MPUI RAM is the portion of the DSP RAM that is accessible by the MPUI.
The HOM_R bit determines/shows whether the MPUI RAM is owned only by
the MPUI or shared by the host processor and the C55x DSP:
0: Off
The MPUI RAM is shared by the host processor and the DSP. If you clear
the HOM_R bit, a request for sharing is sent to the MPUI. If the MPUI
clears the HOM_R bit, the clearing indicates that the MPU no longer has
exclusive ownership of the MPU RAM.
1: On
The MPUI RAM is owned only by the host processor. If you set the HOM_R
bit, a request for host-only mode is sent to the MPUI. If the MPUI sets the
HOM_R bit, the setting indicates that the host processor has exclusive
ownership of the MPU RAM.
See Section 2.9, MPU Interface, for complete details on usage, control, and
configuration of the MPUI and associated control registers.