Public Version
Display Subsystem Overview
Reads data/status from the RFB to the L4 interconnect
RFB interface
8-/9-/12-/16-bit 8086-series parallel interface
Two programmable configurations for two devices connected to the RFBI module
Data formats
Programmable pixel modes (12-/16-/18-/24-BPP modes in RGB format)
Programmable output formats on one/multiple cycles per pixel (data from the display controller
and from the L4 interconnect)
One slave port with DMA request and interconnect FIFO of 24x32-bit depth (for write access to
register only)
One video port FIFO of 8 × 24-bit depth receiving data from the display controller
Transfer pixels and data received on the video port or L4 interconnect to the display through the
The maximum resolution supported on the video port is XGA at 60 fps with 24-bit pixels (maximum
pixel clock of 67 MHz) for low voltage.
Supports video mode and command mode
Bidirectional data link support (only one data lane is used in reverse direction in command mode)
Supports up to two data-configurable lanes, in addition to the clock signaling (minimum of one data
link and maximum of two, depending on speed, signal integrity requirements, and number of
Maximum data rate of up to 900 Mbps per data pair
Data splitter for 2-data lane configuration
Error-correction code (ECC) and check-sum generation
Burst support for the video mode
RGB16, RGB18 packed and nonpacked, and RGB24 formats supported for video mode
Serial configuration port (SCP) for the DSI_PHY complex I/O and DSI PLL
Connection to the DSI_PHY complex I/O through PPI
Data interleaving support for one synchronous stream (video mode) from the display controller and
up to three interleaved asynchronous streams (command mode) from the interconnect concurrently
Data interleaving supports up to four interleaved asynchronous streams (command mode) from the
interconnect or video port when there is no video mode
MIPI DCS support (transparent to the protocol engine, no decoding and interpretation of the
information from and to the peripheral)
Supports selection between low-power state and HS mode between HS packet transfers
Generic data type (DT) support
The DSI pins are multiplexed with LCD parallel outputs.
Video encoder
NTSC/PAL encoder outputs with the following standards:
PAL-B, D, G, H, I
CGMS-A as described in the CEA-608-x Standard.
Input data interface compatible with the following protocols:
24-bit input bus compatible with external sync
RGB 4:4:4
Dual output data 10-bit interface for two internal digital-to-analog converters (DACs) that support:
Composite video (CVBS)
Separate video (S-video)
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Display Subsystem
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated