Digital I/O Introduction
SLAU367P – October 2012 – Revised April 2020
Copyright © 2012–2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Digital I/O
12.1 Digital I/O Introduction
The digital I/O features include:
Independently programmable individual I/Os
Any combination of input or output
Individually configurable P1 and P2 interrupts. Some devices may include additional port interrupts.
Independent input and output data registers
Individually configurable pullup or pulldown resistors
Devices within the family may have up to twelve digital I/O ports implemented (P1 to P11 and PJ). Most
ports contain eight I/O lines; however, some ports may contain less (see the device-specific data sheet for
ports available). Each I/O line is individually configurable for input or output direction, and each can be
individually read or written. Each I/O line is individually configurable for pullup or pulldown resistors.
Ports P1 and P2 always have interrupt capability. Each interrupt for the P1 and P2 I/O lines can be
individually enabled and configured to provide an interrupt on a rising or falling edge of an input signal. All
P1 I/O lines source a single interrupt vector (
), and all P2 I/O lines source a different single interrupt
vector (
). Additional ports with interrupt capability may be available (see the device-specific data
sheet for details) and contain their own respective interrupt vectors.
Individual ports can be accessed as byte-wide ports or can be combined into word-wide ports and
accessed by word formats. Port pairs P1 and P2, P3 and P4, P5 and P6, P7 and P8, and so on, are
associated with the names PA, PB, PC, PD, and so on, respectively. All port registers are handled in this
manner with this naming convention except for the interrupt vector registers, P1IV and P2IV; that is, PAIV
does not exist.
When writing to port PA with word operations, all 16 bits are written to the port. When writing to the lower
byte of port PA using byte operations, the upper byte remains unchanged. Similarly, writing to the upper
byte of port PA using byte instructions leaves the lower byte unchanged. When writing to a port that
contains less than the maximum number of bits possible, the unused bits are don't care. Ports PB, PC,
PD, PE, and PF behave similarly.
Reading port PA using word operations causes all 16 bits to be transferred to the destination. Reading the
lower or upper byte of port PA (P1 or P2) and storing to memory using byte operations causes only the
lower or upper byte to be transferred to the destination, respectively. Reading of port PA and storing to a
general-purpose register using byte operations writes the byte that is transferred to the least significant
byte of the register. The upper significant byte of the destination register is cleared automatically. Ports
PB, PC, PD, PE, and PF behave similarly. When reading from ports that contain fewer than the maximum
bits possible, unused bits are read as zeros (similarly for port PJ).