MSP-EXP430FR5739 User Experience Demo
MSP-EXP430FR5739 User Experience Demo
Associated Zip Folder Contents
The zip file that contains the software and source code for the MSP-EXP430FR5739 can be downloaded
. The contents of the zip include:
User Experience source code and project files
Drivers that support the board installation
The design files for the experimenter board are can be downloaded from
The User Experience Demo
The User Experience demo is pre-loaded in the MSP-EXP430FR5739 board.
The user input to the demo is given using the switches S1 and S2. These switched allow the user to
select the mode of operation and other options.
The output from the demo is displayed using the LEDs (LED1 to LED8) and is also sent via the
back-channel UART that transmits information to the PC.
There are four modes of operation for the User Experience demo:
1. High-speed FRAM writes
2. Emulating the speed of flash writes
3. Sampling accelerometer data and writing to FRAM
4. Sampling thermistor data and writing to FRAM
Entering and Exiting the Demo Modes
Follow these steps to enter and exit the demo modes:
1. Press switch S1 for mode selection. After you press S1, LED8 through LED5 light up to show the
corresponding mode.
2. Press switch S2 to enter the mode.
3. Press switch S2 when inside a mode to turn off the display (LED and UART output). This is useful
when measuring power.
4. Press S1 to exit a mode and return to mode selection.
Pressing S2 without selecting a mode causes LED8 to toggle rapidly, indicating an invalid
sequence. To exit from this mode, press S1 to return to mode selection.
The MSP-EXP430FR5739 board is equipped with a reset switch. On reset, the device displays a short
LED lighting sequence.
May 2011
Revised February 2012
MSP-EXP430FR5739 FRAM Experimenter Board
2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated