Restore to Factory
SWRU455A – February 2017 – Revised March 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
File System
3. For a nonsecure image:
(a) For the CC3220/R/S/F devices: set the SOP to 000.
(b) POR the device.
(c) The image-extracting process is started automatically by the device.
4. For a secure image (secure image can be created for the CC3120, CC3220S, CC3220F) :
(a) Set the SOP to UART-programming mode (010).
(b) Set the encryption key using the Image Creator tool (after setting the key, it resets the device). The
device extracting process starts automatically. Setting the encryption key is done by the Image
Creator tool using the UART interface.
(c) For the CC3220/S/F device: set the SOP to 000
(d) POR the device.
If the device was POR during the extracting process (after setting the SOP to 000 in Step
3.a. or 4.c.), the process continues and the device automatically triggers an additional
8.13 Restore to Factory
The SimpleLink Wi-Fi device has an internal recovery mechanism, in which the level of recovery can be
set by the Image Creator tool; it is kept as part of the programming image.
Three levels of recovery are supported:
None – no recovery level is supported.
Restore-to-factory default
Restore-to-factory image
Restore-to-factory image using SOP, but only if the restored-to-factory image is enabled
If one of the recovery methods is enabled, the programming image is kept on the SFLASH, and the
recovery process uses the kept programming image.
Restore to factory image procedure:
All the files are rolled back to the image configuration; files that do not exist in the image are deleted.
Can be invoked by the host, or by SOP
Restore-to-factory default:
All the files are rolled back to the image configuration, except the service pack and the host program
(CC3220 host).
Can be invoked by the host
The process of restore-to-factory is fail-safe: the process has two stages:
Preparation, which takes about 0.3 seconds.
If the device is being reset during this stage, the file system will not change.
Extraction depends on the vendor programming image size and the SFLASH type.
If the device was reset during the extraction, the extracting process continues when the device is
powered up.