User's Guide
SWRU396A – December 2014 – Revised September 2015
CC3100MOD SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® Network Processor
Module BoosterPack Hardware
CC3100 Module BoosterPack (CC3100MODBOOST)
Add Wi-Fi to any low-cost, low-power microcontroller (MCU) for Internet of Things (IoT) applications using
the CC3100 Module BoosterPack (CC3100MODBOOST), which hosts the CC3100 module
(CC3100MOD). The CC3100MOD is FCC, IC, CE, and Wi-Fi certified. It integrates all protocols for Wi-Fi
and Internet, greatly minimizing host MCU software requirements. With built-in security protocols, the
CC3100MOD solution provides a robust and simple security experience. The CC3100MOD integrates the
serial flash, RF filter, crystal, and all required passive components.
This document explains the various configurations, usage, and versatility of the CC3100MODBOOST.
First, it can be connected to a TI MCU LaunchPad (provided examples for MSPEXP430F5529LP).
Second, it can be plugged into a CC31XXEMUBOOST board and connected to a PC for MCU emulation.
The CC3100MODBOOST firmware updates requires either the CC31XXEMUBOOST board, or the micro-
controller over-the-air(OTA) software and access to a server. Finally, the exposed signals on the 20 pin
connector provide an interface to an additional microcontroller or platforms beyond TI's LaunchPads. The
CC3100MODBOOST is a complete platform solution, including various tools and software, sample
applications, user and programming guides, reference designs, and the TI E2E™ support community. Visit
for design resources and example projects
Figure 1. CC3100MOD BoosterPack board with the CC3100MOD
What is Included
1x CC3100MODBOOST board
1x Micro USB cable
1x Quick Start guide
FCC/IC Regulatory Compliance
The CC3100MOD SimpleLink Wi-Fi and IoT Solution module is FCC Part 15 and IC ICES-003 Class A
SWRU396A – December 2014 – Revised September 2015
CC3100MOD SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® Network Processor Module BoosterPack
Copyright © 2014–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated