Functional Description
In Inactive mode, all internal clock paths are gated.
In Disabled mode, all internal clock paths not used for the system interface are gated. All GPIO
registers are accessible synchronously with the interface clock. Sleep Mode Request and Acknowledge
Upon a Sleep mode request issued by the host processor, the GPIO module goes to the Idle mode
according to the IDLEMODE field in the system configuration register (GPIO_SYSCONFIG).
IDLEMODE = 0 (Force-Idle mode): the GPIO goes in Inactive mode independently of the internal
module state and the Idle acknowledge is unconditionally sent. In Force-Idle mode, the module is in
Inactive mode.
IDLEMODE = 1h (No-Idle mode): the GPIO does not go to the Idle mode and the Idle acknowledge is
never sent.
IDLEMODE = 2h (Smart-Idle mode) or IDLEMODE = 3h (Smart-Idle mode): the GPIO module
evaluates its internal capability to have the interface clock switched off. Once there is no more internal
activity (the data input register completed to capture the input GPIO pins, there is no pending interrupt,
all interrupt status bits are cleared, and there is no write access to GPIO_DEBOUNCINGTIME register
pending to be synchronized), the Idle acknowledge is asserted and the GPIO enters Idle mode. When
the system is awake, the Idle Request goes inactive, the Idle acknowledge signals are immediately de-
Idle mode request and Idle acknowledge are system interface sideband signals. Once the
GPIO acknowledges the Sleep mode request (Idle acknowledge has been sent), the
interface clock can be stopped anytime.
Upon a Sleep mode request issued by the host processor, the GPIO module goes to the Idle
mode only if there is no active bit in GPIO_IRQSTATUS_RAW_n registers. Reset
The OCP hardware Reset signal has a global reset action on the GPIO. All configuration registers, all
DFFs clocked with the Interface clock or Debouncing clock and all internal state machines are reset when
the OCP hardware Reset is active (low level). The RESETDONE bit in the system status register
(GPIO_SYSSTATUS) monitors the internal reset status: it is set when the Reset is completed on both
OCP and Debouncing clock domains. The software Reset (SOFTRESET bit in the system configuration
register) has the same effect as the OCP hardware Reset signal, and the RESETDONE bit in
GPIO_SYSSTATUS is updated in the same condition.
25.3.3 Interrupt Features Functional Description
In order to generate an interrupt request to a host processor upon a defined event (level or logic transition)
occurring on a GPIO pin, the GPIO configuration registers have to be programmed as follows:
Interrupts for the GPIO channel must be enabled in the GPIO_IRQSTATUS_SET_0 and/or
The expected event(s) on input GPIO to trigger the interrupt request has to be selected in the
For instance, interrupt generation on both edges on input k is configured by setting to 1 the kth bit in
registers GPIO_RISINGDETECT and GPIO_FALLINGDETECT along with the interrupt enabling for one or
both interrupt lines (GPIO_IRQSTATUS_SET_n).
All interrupt sources (the 32 input GPIO channels) are merged together to issue two
synchronous interrupt requests 1 and 2.
General-Purpose Input/Output
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated